What Do Artists Do All Day?
What do artists do all day? If you’re not familiar with the documentary series of the same name, may I suggest you immediately take a look. The BBC Four series explores a day in the life with a different artists. My favourite videos are with Norman Ackroyd and Tracey Emin. Which both offer a glimpse into the secret lives artists lead. Hard working, focused and driven are characteristics that unite them all.
But these are our household names, where the hard work has been put in years earlier to create the impressive portfolio they have today. I always wonder what it would be like going back in time with these artists. Did their routines look similar to the ones they have today? Were they working lots of different jobs? Or does their life look much the same? These questions will go unanswered. But I’m interested in knowing what other artists they get up to in their spare time. So I thought I’d share how I spend mine.
So I thought I’d use today’s blog to talk a little more about some of the teaching work I do, and how I spent the beginning of the year. January is usually a really quiet time for most of us, however this year I spent it teaching with fellow artists Magda Choluj and Jack Whitwell.We applied to create a printmaking programme for a young steering group based at Soulisquoy printmakers, and managed to get the role.
So next few weeks were spent planning The Art Evolution Project which was supported by Creative Scotland, and managed by Engage Scotland. We decided to centre the programme around our speciality techniques, covering monotype, kitchen litho, aquatint, woodblock, lino and photopolymer. We divided up the programme so that we each led our own printmaking sessions, giving the steering group a wide range of techniques to explore.The final two weekends we spent exploring collaboration, and editioning, resulting in an artist book.
During our time at Soulisquoy Printmakers felt like featuring on What Artists do All Day. Although without the TV cameras, each artist had access to of the equipment, and were able to explore their own themes within the Art Evolution Programme. Most importantly, the project featured co-creation and collaboration, with artists discussing their ideas, colour palettes and themes. As someone who works mostly alone, it was wonderful to see what artists do all day when they’re in a room together. I’m so proud of this project, and what the steering group created out of it. Their Instagram handles are tagged below.
Thanks for reading!
India x
Steering Group: Arwen, Niamh, Duncan, Jamilla
ART evolution is supported by Creative Scotland and managed by Engage Scotland.
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