Seasonal Studio Sale
My seasonal studio sale has begun…
A seasonal studio sale is not something I usually offer, but at this time of year, just before we head South to see our family, I thought I’d run my first and last seasonal sale of the year! All my paintings in the shop are reduced and ready to go, making the perfect gifts to yourself, or to someone you love. I’m making way for some new works in the New Year, which I can’t wait to share with you, as well as some new routines as I reflect on the past year.
This is the only sample sale I’ll be doing, and my shop and the sale will close on the 19th of December.
Reflecting on the past year
As this time of year draws to a close, it always has me reflecting on the past year, as well as looking ahead to the new one. I just can’t help it. I try not to make any New Years resolutions, as realistically, I know I won’t stick to them, or I’ll spend the time beating myself up if I fall short.
Instead, I’ll be setting myself three personal goals this year. Especially through the winter, I find it’s super helpful to have goals that motivate me during the colder days (today, for example it feels like -4, with 45 mph winds…) It might just be a swim and sauna at our local pool, or a walk with Peggy the greyhound in the mornings. I find having these little routines through the darker months keeps me motivated and more importantly, warm!
But, if I look on the positive side, this year has been really productive. Orkney Cloth is doing really well, with orders off to New York, I’ve sold one of my biggest paintings yet at the lovely Morgan’s of Falmouth, and I’ve taken over 24 printmaking workshops around the islands with Orkney Art Club.
Seasonal Printmaking
Despite being so busy, I’ve found that printmaking and drawing have carried me through this year, and that’s all due to Orkney Art Club and my co-founder Magda at Inkloof. As we’ve worked through the seasons, we’ve had to come up with new and inventive ways of printmaking and drawing which are engaging, enjoyable and equally challenging. I love being able to use my printmaking training to expand on more traditional ways of printmaking that are accessible. We’ve done drypoint etching, mono print and linocut, as well as introducing a new weaving course launching early next year.
I’m looking to expand our printmaking with lots more projects, and hoping to visit more island communities in the New Year. As far as my own work is concerned, I’m really looking forward to developing my printmaking with our printing press, bought with a grant from Creative Lives. I’ve done several aquatints for The Piers Centre Annual Open Exhibition, and am looking forward to working on these again in the New Year. Expect to see lots more work around hurricane lamps (I’m collecting my grandparents vintage one when I get home!) and still lives, but this time in sugar lift.
What is sugar lift?
Although I’ve talked a little bit about the process here, in brief, sugar lift essentially involves drawing on a copper plate with a sugary solution (Camp Coffee works particularly well). Then, the plate is coated in an acid resistant ground and ran under warm water, melting the sugary solution, and revealing the drawing. Next, the plate is aquatinted (covered with tiny dots of acid resistant solution) and etched in a bath of ferric chloride. I taught part of this process earlier in the year through Engage Scotland’s Art Evolution project, but would so love to return to it. My sugar lift work can be seen here and in my shop.
I’m also trying to find a way of creating a sugar lift workshop that we can recreate without the need for chemicals, thereby making the process much more accessible. Keep an eye on Orkney Art Club to see how we get on.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoyed that seasonal update, and enjoy the festivities that this season brings. I’ll see you in the New Year!
Love India x

India Whitwell
I graduated from Newcastle University in 2018, with a degree in Fine Art. I went on to train as a weaver in Orkney, and now teach weaving workshops at Orkney Creative Hub. I am a painter and have my own business, The Orkney Cloth Company.
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