A New Collection of Paintings: Seasonal Shifts
A new collection of paintings
As I’m releasing a new collection of paintings, I always find myself asking every year, ‘how is that time already’ and yet, it’s a continuous theme. I know I can’t be the only one who still cannot believe it’s November, even though the clocks have already gone back and the days are getting shorter still. Here in Orkney, when the clouds roll in, bringing with it fierce winds, storm surges and lashing rain, it’s easy to forget where those longer days have gone. That being said, the daylight we do get can be magical, with the sun skimming the horizon, the sunshine smooth, warm and golden.
It’s times like these I’m grateful for the seasons being so marked here, and if you manage to catch the sun rising or setting, you’re in for a treat. There’s nothing quite like the low slung sunshine in Orkney. And this is what this new collection of paintings are all about, working with the shifting seasons, and not against them. I’ve collected some of my favourite arrangements together for this series; a hurricane lamp I found in a charity shop in the middle of winter, and pepper pink hyacinths opening in spring.
Seasonal shifts painting collection
My new painting collection contains eight paintings and two etchings, marking the seasonal shifts throughout the year. All the pieces will be available from my shop at 6pm on Friday 11th of November for my newsletter subscribers, and then from 7pm after that. If you’d like to subscribe to the newsletter, you can do so here.
I’ve really loved curating this group of work together, and have included descriptions alongside the pieces so you can get a feel for the story behind the collection. It was a real joy to put together and I really hope you like it!
India x

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